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06/04/2010 Announcement of victories !

Big, big and great Easter Week-end for Archambault in terms of results in some of biggest IRC international events which have taken place for most of them in rough weather conditions! 

7 victories in IRC, 4 places of second, 5 places of 3rd!

Rolex China Sea Race

IRC racing B:    3rd : A40RC  ”AVANT GARDE”          to Greg Kearns.
IRC racing C:    1st : A35       ”RED KITE 2”             to  Anthony Root.

Grand Prix IRC Manche ouest

IRC1:     2nd : A40      ”BPO KUNKEL PALETTES”  to Jean Legallet.
IRC2:     1st : A35       ”AME HASLE”                 to Franck-Yves Escoffier. 
IRC3:     1st : A31       ”LOUPIOT”                   to Christian Maby.

Spi Ouest France Bouygues Telecom

IRC1:              3rd : A40RC     ”TIGER2”                  to Marc Menesguen.
IRC2:              3rd : A35         ”ATR/TEAM WINDS”    to Antoine Croyère.
IRC3:              1st : A31         ”TECHNICHAUFFAGE”   to Olivier Gentric.
IRC5:              1st : SURPRISE  ”LES FLAMANDS”       to Daniel Quercy.
Grand Surprise: 1st :                 ”ABAKA CONSEIL”     to Matthieu Coville.


IRC2:              1st :   A40RC       ”JOUJOU EXTRA”     to Bertrand Cothier.
                      2nd :  A40RC        ”GLEN ELLEN V”       to Dominique Tian.
IRC3:              1st :   A35           ”ALHENA3”              to Jérome Beltram.
                      2nd :  A35            ”HECTOR”              to  Emmanuel Nebout.
                      3rd :   A35            ”TCHIN-TCHIN”      to Jean-Claude Bertrand.
IRC4:              2nd :  A31            ”MIMOSAILS”         to Laurent Camprubi.
                      3rd :   A31            ”AIDA”                  to Corine Brunengo.

Among these great news, we will focus on A31 second victory in the Spi Ouest, and the Surprise one wich is still alive!
The 6 winning legs  for the A35, A31 victory in Manche, the A40RC twin shot in the SNIM The exclusive A35 podium, and at least a big performance in China sea in a long 565 NM race.

What can we say? A big thanks to you guys, who made one more time the proof of the fantastic  Archambault yachts performances in all weather conditions!

See you soon!

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